Craig Smith Therapy supervision
I provide an excellent, thorough and thoroughly human experience of support for those in the caring professions. I provide one-to-one sessions and ongoing email and text support throughout the month.
As my supervisee you will be free to contact me whenever you have a concern 24/7.
With humour, thinking-outside-of-the-box, creativity, biscuits and tea together we will really think about your client case-load.
I work collegiality and collaboratively, and I will keep one eye on the power dynamics that can ruin supervision for many practitioners.
I am not an expert on your clients - you are. Together we will explore what's going well and why, and what's proving to be a bit tricky, and whether something personal for you is being touched upon.
My aim is for supervisees who (inevitably!) arrive anxious to leave empowered and feeling confident about their work as practitioners.
We will celebrate success. And we will really get to grips with any weaknesses you or I spot.
I work with the BACP Ethical Framework in mind; but we will negotiate hours and the format of how we work according to your needs.
My Mission
To enable you to feel good about the difficult work you are doing.
To help you to feel 'held' and for the work with your clients to feel 'contained'.
To look at weaknesses and puzzling interactions, specific worries, confusing situations, and any 'ghosting' that might be happening for you and with your clients.
My Vision
To make supervision a joyful, celebratory, learning experience.
To name and pay attention to the power dynamic which often leads to supervisees feeling criticised or 'less than' as practitioners.
To model to the supervisee an example of a power-sharing, creative, thoughtful, kind and caring interaction (informed by Humanistic/Gestalt/Buddhist practice and theory)

'Craig has been my supervisor for five years and he can still surprise me with his creative interventions and humour. He has always been totally supportive, and has been willing to engage between sessions if necessary. He is passionate about the work, which means he is knowledgeable and enthusiastic. His style is collegial, but he can be gently challenging when necessary.'
Manda, supervisee, Bristol
© 2018 Craig Smith Therapy
© 2018 Craig Smith Therapy